[ct-user] Re: CT support and new VE sections

Nate Bargmann Nate Bargmann" <nbargman@fullnet.net
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 23:27:30 -0500

Hi Dick and all.

> No problem with the change of Canadian section.  Just go into the file
> that has that info (forgot name) and edit it with a TEXT EDITOR.
> You will easily see what to do when you look at the file.  If you like
> CT8 then it will fly after the edit.  
> 73, Dick Wilder, K3Di   wilder@abs.net

I haven't looked at a CT screen since FD, but here is what I recall 
happened when I played with editing the file.  The size of the 
section window is apparently fixed with regard to its verticle 
height.  Currently, the Canada column has one blank space and the new 
NL section can indeed be added to the current version and CT will 
score the section, although a person should restrict the NLI section 
to only NLI as NL will cause the new section to be scored as NLI 
since the SEC.DAT, FD.DAT and all the other default ARRL .DAT files 
for version 8.xx allow NL as a valid entry for NLI (whew!).

However!  I went one step further and tried to add another section to 
the Canada column (or Californa -- 6) and found the window does NOT 
enlarge and at least one section will not be displayed, nor would it 
apparently be scored.  Now, I suppose that as RAC adds new sections, 
they could be added to the shorter columns like 1, 3, or DX and life 
could go on...

Version 8.xx is currently unsupported and will remain so.  I have 
used version 9.27 and while it has a couple of neat tricks for 
advanced users, as a casual contester I don't find the program's 
current state attractive enough to spring for the $80 to get it, just 
to *possibly* get support for more sections.  Thus I will be jumping 
the friendly confines of CT and will move to another.  It will be 
hard to replace CT's simple and elegant features, but I'm afraid its 
course has run.

I did forget to add in this morning's post that Writelog supports 
Ethernet networking as a standard option.  Besides, I'd like to do 
some other things with my computer during my contest lulls and a 
Win95 program will allow me to do that and CW contest, control the 
rig (if I ever get one) and network (doubtful) without having to use 
the machine in MS-DOS mode.

Of course, should the writers of CT catch up, I'd be more than glad 
to maintain my loyalty.

73, de Nate >>

     Packet   | KA0RNY @ KC5TKF.#NCOK.OK.USA.NOAM      | "If wires can be
     Internet | nbargman@fullnet.net                   | connected in two
     Location | Enid, Oklahoma USA EM16bj              | different ways,
             View yet another web page at:             | the first way
     http://www.harvestcomm.net/personal/nbargman/     | blows the fuse!"

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