[ct-user] HELP - DVP Hum

Randy L Phelps Randy L Phelps <rlp2pr@perry.stark.k12.oh.us>
Thu, 13 Mar 1997 20:59:14 -0500 (EST)

Hello all!  I have this problem with my K1EA DVP.  I installed the DVP 
into my computer and I am experiencing a hum on my transmitted signal.  I 
am using the pre-made cable for the DVP also.  Nothing homebrew!  This 
hum is present as soon as I key up the radio.  Has anyone else had this 
same problem??  Any ideas on what could be causing it, and how to get rid 
of it??  Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & 73,

Randy - KD8JN

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