[ct-user] Using master.dta from ram

Dick Flanagan Dick Flanagan <dick@merlin.libelle.com>
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 09:15:14 -0800

>Create a batch file that starts CT. At the start of the batch file, copy
>your CTY.DAT and MASTER.DTA files to the RAM drive.  Also set an
>environment variable to point there:

If you are already using a decent-sized disk cache, you may not need to use
an explicit RAM disk as the caching should accomplish the same thing.  If
the cache is too small, though, or if you find a lot of disk thrashing
going on, a small RAM disk might be better.  I would suggest folks
experiment with both and see which works best in their environment.

73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada
Visit http://wadg.greatbasin.net/siera/

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