[ct-user] CT, Com Ports, IRQ's and headaches

Jim Reisert Jim Reisert <AD1C@tiac.net>
Sat, 29 Mar 1997 09:39:13 -0500

At 03:24 PM 3/28/97 +0000, you wrote:

>I'm trying to get CT set up using 4 com ports (2 are new).  I never had 
>any problems running with just 2, but more computer control stuff euqals 
>more com ports.  Base addresses are standard, and com 1&3 are IRQ 4 (I 
>think) and com 2&4 are IRQ 3 (at any rate, the com ports share irq's).  
>The comtsr programs are set up to show the proper IRQ's and base 
>addresses, but when I try to use the two com ports that share an IRQ, 
>neither device works properly.  Do I need to configure for individual 
>IRQ's?  The software interrupts on the comtsr programs are all different 
>for the 4 com ports.  

You can't share IRQs with CT.  All must be unique.

- Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert <AD1C@tiac.net>               http://www.tiac.net/users/ad1c/

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