[ct-user] Need info about CT Network protocol

Toussaint OTTAVI (TK1BI) Toussaint OTTAVI (TK1BI)" <t_ottavi@sitec.fr
Thu, 18 Sep 1997 00:48:46 +0100

Hi everybody,

73 from a new guy from Corsica Island.

I'm looking for any documentation about the CT network protocol (length and
type of frames sent to the net, handshaking, checksums, etc...).

The goal would be for me to write some software that should be able to pick 
some data from the net, and to insert some other data into the net.

If you have any information about this, it would greatly help us !

vy 73 de TK1BI and the Corsica Contest Club members,

Toussaint. (Don't laugh, this is my real name, HI!)

     //////        ______ __ __    __  ____   ______
    ( o o )       /_  __// // / __/ / / __ \ /_  __/          Toussaint OTTAVI
-oOO--(_)---OOo-   / /  / // / /_  / / /_/ /  / /    B.P. 223, F-20179 AJACCIO
 Amateur Radio    / /  / _  /   / / / __  /  / /             FidoNet: 2:323/15
   Station &     / /  / /| |  _/ / / /_/ /__/ /_     E-mail: t_ottavi@sitec.fr
 Amiga Computer /_/  /_/ |_| /___//_____//_____/  Pkt: TK1BI@TK5KP.FCOR.FRA.EU

Submissions:              ct-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW:                      http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/Software/ct
Questions:                owner-ct-user@contesting.com