[ct-user] Re: Tiny Bugs

Maury Peiperl Maury Peiperl" <mpeiperl@lbs.ac.uk
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 18:54:12 UTC

Thanks Fred for this report.  It is slightly different from what I 
> 1. If you select SO LP, you cannot send out spots. (Maury did not receive
> any, but he was willing to send them out.)  The work around:  he selected
> SO AB during the contest, which permits sending out spots, and   changed
> back before sending in the log.
As I recall, if you select SO LP, you get FULL PACKET, which of 
course is not allowed in that category.  That is why I selected SO 
AB (unassisted).  And ALT-F3 worked fine for sending spots here.  
What I wanted, but could not have, was a talk window (ALT-T).   I can 
understand how this might be difficult to achieve while still 
blocking spots, and might even be considered outside the spirit of 
the contest, so I do consider it a small point, and not any kind of 
bug.  The "bug" is that SOLP allows packet (as I recall). 

Action step:  Prevent SO LP from seeing spots, and possibly add a 
talk facility (& wwv?) to the SOU and SOLP categories.
> 2.  The Announce window "Mults Needed This Band" was showing mults that
> had already been worked. K1EP has reported the same phenomenon.
You mean the band map? Or the announce window that mimics the band 
map when in unassisted mode?  The problem as I see it is your #3 

> 3.  The color codes for things needed and things worked are different in
> the Band Map and the Announce window.  As an aid to simple souls such as
> I, only one color should be used to show "needed."
> Action step:  Pick white or yellow to show spots needed, but only one
> color for both the Band Map and the Announce window.

Yes!  This is truly schizo.  It also seems that stuff entered in the 
bandmap with CTL-ENTER goes in as a different color from stuff 
entered in the log, even if I put it in there to avoid listening to 
more DUPs.  I would very much also like to be able to set the cull 
time for bandmapped stations, say to 2 hours instead of 1 if I 
want to.
Thanks all for a great weekend.

Maury W3EF / G0UHK
Maury A. Peiperl, Ph.D                       MPEIPERL@LBS.AC.UK
Centre for Organisational Research
London Business School                       TELEPHONE (44)(0)171-262-5050
Sussex Place, Regent's Park                  FACSIMILE (44)(0)171-724-8357

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