[ct-user] PS/2
Mike Walker
Mike Walker <mwalker@Legato.COM>
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 08:24:21 -0500
You have to find a PS/2 Reference Diskette and boot this. There is no why into the Bios without it.
Once this is done, you can modify the IRQ's, and base addresses of your com ports. They are Microchannel, so you won't be able to get a DVP installed internally.
I copied this from http://www.computercraft.com/docs/ps21.html
Q) 1.4 Where do I get a Reference Disk for my PS/2?
[Rewrite by Aron Eisenpress <afecu@cunyvm.cuny.edu>]
Reference Disks can be downloaded from two IBM sources, via ftp to ftp.pc.ibm.com or by dialing the IBM PC Co. BBS at 1-919-517-0001. The same reference disk files are available from both sources, but the BBS also has many other files, such as product announcements, reference and configuration information, some shareware and employee written programs, and many OS/2 related files.
Via ftp, follow these steps:
o Ftp to ftp.pc.ibm.com and log in as "anonymous" with your e-mail address as the password.
o Select the "pub" directory, type: cd pub
o If you don't know which file you need, look in allfiles.txt in the pub directory; which includes short descriptions (also in this FAQ).
o The Reference Disk files are in the refdisks directory, type cd refdisks.
o Set transfer mode to binary, type bin
o Get the file you need, type get RFxxxxxxx.DSK (or whatever filename)
o If the Filename ends in .DSK you will need LDF.COM and if it ends in .TG0 you will need TGSFX.COM.
o Get back to the pub directory, type: cd ..
o Go to the UTILS directory, type cd UTILS
o Type: bin press return and then type: get LDF.COM or get TGSFX.COM
For .DSK files:
o Run LDF.COM so that the files LOADDSKF.EXE and PRODAID.TXT are extracted. LOADDSKF.EXE is what you need, PRODAID.TXT is the IBM agreement.
o Insert a blank disk and type LOADDSKF filename.DSK A: (or B:) [/F to format and /C to convert a 720KB image to a 1.44MB disk.]
o Ensure the proper disk is inserted and answer: "Y".
o Your reference disk is ready to go.
For .TG0 files:
o Run TGSFX.COM so that the files TELEGET.EXE and TGCONFIG.EXE are extracted.
o Run TGCONFIG and follow the prompts.
For more information on this procedure:
o On ftp, cd to UTILS and get DSK.HLP.
o On BBS, type HELP and read the instructions.
One other common source from dealers or IBM is the IBM "Technical Connection Personal Systems" CDROM. Some offices also have one (a good sign is if there are alot of PS/2s in your office). It also includes some files unavailable from the on-line sources.
Hope this helps...Mike
At 11:09 98-12-14 , Gilmer, Mike wrote:
>To use as a contest computer, I picked up an old PS/2 (486SX/33-4Meg
>Ram/200Meg HD) and it has PC DOS / WIN3.1 installed. It seems to run CT
>OK except I think I need to get the Comm ports set up properly to get CT
>and my TNC to talk. It seems I can communicate with my TNC through the
>PS/2's WIN3.1 Terminal program fine. II suspect that the Comm ports are
>not set up right in DOS and I don't know/remember how to get to the DOS
>settings for Comm ports or if I even CAN on a PS/2. To that end:
>Question 1:
>The "delete" key function to access BIOS settings at boot doesn't work.
>IS there even a way to do this in a PS/2?
>Question 2:
>How do I change configurations for Comm ports in MSDOS/PCDOS?
>Unrelated Question 3:
>I believe the backplane is microchannel (w/sideways mounted boards) and
>there's no way to use a DVP or any other ISA type board in here, right?
>Not a problem until I own a DVP, anyway.
>Mike, N2MG
>Submissions: ct-user@contesting.com
>Administrative requests: ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
>WWW: http://www.contesting.com/ct/
>Questions: owner-ct-user@contesting.com
Mike Walker VA3MW
Corbeil Contest Club
Submissions: ct-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests: ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW: http://www.contesting.com/ct/
Questions: owner-ct-user@contesting.com