[ct-user] networking two laptops
David Robbins
David Robbins <k1ttt@berkshire.net>
Sun, 05 Jul 1998 14:38:36 +0000
i hadn't really thought about it recently and couldn't find
a catalog here in my recently cleaned up shack but
i did a couple quick searches and was rather surprised that
xircom didn't have one, but the following link does:
and this one has one and 4 serial port pcmcia cards:
there are probably more, but these were the first couple
i found in an altavista search.
Jim Kehler wrote:
> Dave, do you know of anybody who makes PCMCIA com ports,
> I have been looking for them for years....
> 73, Jim KH2D
> > if both computers have pcmcia slots you could get two more
> > com port cards and use them as com3 to network with. or you
> > could get two ethernet cards and use my ethernet tsr to network
> > with.
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David Robbins K1TTT (ex KY1H)
k1ttt@berkshire.net or robbins@berkshire.net
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