[ct-user] CW and Serial Numbers

Gerard Parat Gerard Parat <Gerard.Parat@dassault-elec.fr>
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 16:27:31 +0200 (MET DST)

On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Julian cleak wrote:

> Having just moved house and lost my book can anyone tell me how to activate the sending of serial numbers when using the keyer within v 9. I have selected WPX as the contest type but can't get this to send anything other than the normal report and zone. We had a problem with this during EU-NFD.
>     Many thanks de Julian ( GW4JBQ ) 
>                                julian.cleak@newport.gov.uk
Hi Julian,

Just put the # caracter in F2 message. You may have leading zeros as well
for a 3 digits serial number by launching CT with the -LZ option until you
reach 100 QSO's.

73 Gerard F6FGZ

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