[ct-user] Upcoming country file update

Jim Reisert AD1C Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 23:03:18 -0500

I found the bug which caused VE prefixes to break NA and some versions of
CT.  There was an extra "," in my master country database.  Too much
editing after 11 p.m. I guess.  It really broke the NA country file,
deleting ALL Canadian prefixes!  I quickly scan the files for problems, and
will be more careful about comparing ALL the different flavors against the
last release.  I had just been comparing CTY.DAT (for CT 9), but it's
obvious each format has its own quirks.  I apologize to anyone who was
tripped up by this.  This is the most serious mistake I can recall in 5
years of maintaining the database.

These are the changes that will go into the update which I will release
Tuesday 10/27 evening (Weds. a.m. GMT):

	- fix for VE problem
	- B7K is China
	- XO7X is in Zone 3

There are two unknowns on the table:

	- BW0R.  People said he sent Zone 24.  BY0 is Zone 23,
	  which is what CT thought it should be.  Anyone get confirmation
	  on the QTH?

	- Someone reported TO8A was active from Martinique.
	  Can anyone confirm this?  Or did they mean TO8B who was
	  already listed?

FINALLY:  After my plea asking for country file problems during the
weekend, several people sent me mail listing callsigns which had already
been added to the file two weeks ago.  PLEASE get the updated version of
the country files before the major contests (or at least check whether a
new one is available).  There is ALWAYS an update a couple of weeks before
CQWW Phone.  I announce the file on the three contest software reflectors
(CT/NA/TR) as well as CQ-Contest.  Save yourself some headaches (and missed
multipliers) by using the latest database.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>      http://jjr.ne.mediaone.net/

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