[ct-user] What version to use?!

Randy Thompson Randy Thompson" <k5zd@ma.ultranet.com
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 00:09:30 -0000

Hi guys,

I have not been trying to keep up on the latest CT versions for the past
year.  Too many versions and it seemed too many problems.

I am now setting up the station (and some new automatic radio switching) and
trying to decide on which version to build around.  Especially since I only
want to figure out which LPT pins do what just once!

Recommendations and comments welcome.

Randy, K5ZD

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
11 Hollis Street, Uxbridge, MA 01569

E-mail k5zd@ma.ultranet.com
Tel (h) 508-278-2355 (w) 508-337-6600 x-213

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