[ct-user] A Bug in 9.40??

John K9UWA John K9UWA" <k9uwa@cris.com
Tue, 22 Jun 1999 10:17:59 -0500

Yes Its a BUG and Not a Feature....No rotor hooked up for FD to
your computer??....CRASH goes the program!!
A work around for this BUG...as it is dangerous if your fat fingered 
like some of us....you go for Alt F-10 to raise the keyer speed..and hit
Ctrl F-10 by mistake.....and your whole screen disappears!....

TYPE in Log Box       DEFINEKEY
then enter this  CRTL F-10 
then enter    CTRL  \         thats the back space key.....or some 
other combination that you won't hit in error during the wee hours of 
the morning....

Good Luck!!
John K9UWA

> result here is "bearing -1.000".. and CT exits. - and not gracefully,  but
> I do not have the beam in the setups
> robin, wa6cdr

> At 08:16 6/22/1999 -0500, John K9UWA wrote:
> >Load up your 9.40 version of CT....and hit CTRL F-10 and see what 
> >happens....if your computer doesn't crash at this point please e-mail 
> >me.....
> >John K9UWA

John Goller, K9UWA & Jean Goller, N9PXF 
Antique Radio Restorations


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