[ct-user] [Fwd: NETTSR]

David Robbins David Robbins <k1ttt@berkshire.net>
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 02:16:53 +0000

anyone using this specific card have any suggestions, send to gerard
and copy to me.

Gerard Parat <f6fgz@f6fgz.ampr.org>

Gerard Parat wrote:
> Hi David,
> I tried it with ISA cards 3c509 and 3c503, it works well. But it hangs
> the computer with the PCI card 3c905. Doesn't know if someone else
> succeeded with that card?
> --
> 73 G�rard F6FGZ

David Robbins K1TTT (ex KY1H)
k1ttt@berkshire.net   or   robbins@berkshire.net

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