[ct-user] FT-847 CAT control

Paul Bigwood Paul Bigwood <Paul.Bigwood@yaesu.co.uk>
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:40:41 +0100


I'm trying to get CT to talk to an FT-847 but am having some problems.

I'm running CT 9.37 on 486DX2 Win98 booted to DOS. Radio is on COM2 with
COMTSR2 loaded fine. Hardware is all OK as other programs work with no
problems (TRX Manager). 

I'm wondering if CT actually sends the CAT ON command ( 5 * 0x00) at the

start of its initialisation sequence? 

I can see bytes going to the radio with a breakout box, nothing comes
and the CAT light does not come on the radio.

73s de Paul G3WYW

Paul Bigwood G3WYW
Commercial Sales Manager
Yaesu UK Ltd

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