Brian & Lynn Miller Brian & Lynn Miller" <BRIANMILLER@xtra.co.nz
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 23:22:45 +1200

I have just encountered the band change problem mentioned in a previous post
by Bob KQ2M.

Our configuration is CT 9.40 configured for WPX MM category, K1TTT TSR
Ethernet network and FT1000MP radios

Everything appears to work fine except that CT logs all calls against 20m
regardless of which band is actually in use. This problem is only evident
AFTER selecting the FT1000MP radio in setup ..... if the radio is not
selected then there is no problem.
I have also tried version 9.39 and it exhibits the same problem.

Has anyone managed to find a solution or workaround for the problem? Note
that I do not have the radios to the computers yet - does connecting the
radios help? Maybe version 9.42 will address this issue?


Brian Miller ZL1AZE
Registered Electrical Engineer
67 Hornsey Road
New Zealand

Tel +64-4-387-9081
E-mail: brianmiller@xtra.co.nz

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