[ct-user] Problem Keying from LPT1 Using W1WEF Interface
Bob Naumann - N5NJ
Bob Naumann - N5NJ" <n5nj@gte.net
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 12:22:34 -0000
The CW interfaces have not changed.
The other functions on the LPT port have changed to become
standardized so that whether or not you use CT, NA, TR, DX4Win or
WriteLog, they all will use the same LPT port CW interface and other
My guess is that there may be something wrong with your LPT port or
maybe with the W1WEF interface but that is unlikely. Do you have
another computer or someone with CT local to you that you could try
the interface on their computer ?
Have you talked to W1WEF yet ?
Robert E. Naumann
N5NJ / V26O
Plano, TX USA
ex KR2J, V26RN, W6V, WA2OVE
----- Original Message -----
From: Frank Grossman <71042.1303@compuserve.com>
To: Ed Parish K1EP <k1ep@brownell.com>; <CT-USER@contesting.com>;
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 05:34
Subject: [ct-user] Problem Keying from LPT1 Using W1WEF Interface
> Hi Ed...
> >>I believe that the keying on the LPT ports changed after 9.34.
You may
> want to check the archives on k1ea.com for this. I know that the
> interfaces that I used for 9.27 will not work with later versions of
> Is there a W1WEF interface that is known to work with ver. 9.48?
For that
> matter, is there a model that we know does not work with Ver. 9.48?
Do I
> need to send the one I have back to W1WEF and ask for a specific
> Will a W1WEF Interface that operates properly with CT Ver. 9.47 also
> with DX4WIN? I can download a demo and try that program, too.
> -----
> Others responding to my question asked whether I've determined that
> transistor in the Interface is good, and what it means to key the
> without putting it on the air.
> No, I don't think I can prove at this point that the transistor is
good. i
> know only that, with the interface connected, I get the same key
> condition I get when I hook up the com-2 interface (before hitting a
> function key to break the key down when using com-2)
> The IC-765 lets me turn off the VOX but still key the side tone.
>From the
> computer or a regular key or keyer's view, I'm keying; just not
> transmitting. This is a very convenient feature for testing and
> practicing.
> Thanks for the help!
> Frank
> --
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