[ct-user] Problem With 5 Character HQ Abbreviations

Waldemar Krzok Waldemar Krzok" <Waldemar@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon, 10 Jul 2000 11:08:31 +0200

> ...and a smiling face, a bracket  ...
> also had a crash (ver.9.50.001) when PC was doing an Autosave... Gave me
> a message like."...can't find KL7/..."
> I reloaded the program and all was fine.  On the five letter HQ's, I just
> put in four letters.  But definately needs fixing \.

yes, it should be fixed. I mentioned this error last year, but it looks 
like no one of "big guns" had problems with. It is not only MRASZ, 
but VERON, ARABH etc. It can be fixed, but: we'll have a real 
problem, if someone activates HQ on Netherlands Antilles. The 
acronym is VERONA and there is no space in *.bin file for 6 letters 
If there will be a need to change bin format, please add RST sent to 
it!! I want use ct in QRP contests with real exchanges. 

Few more errors I found using ct9.50.001:
1) there is space for 15 HQ "zones" in zone window. I am really a 
veeeery liiittttle pistol, with my 100W and wire antenna just above 
ground, but I got 25 different HQs last weekend. Is there any 
possibility to extend this window, or at least, to configure it 
throwing away "personally not reachable zones" (in my case > 75 ;-
)), getting more HQs??
2) IARU contest at start up configures for WAZ zones, not for ITU. 
My 1st QSO shows, that I'm in Argentina, not Germany. I know, 
my fault, but... Perhaps you can place in new version of CT both 
zones in personal header??
3)It is not posible, to log reciprocal license owners (or CEPT) 
placed in England or Scotland. You have to override each call sign 
individually. So M/DL7ANQ is placed by CT in Germany, and 
MM/OZ1XXX in Danmark. Is this fixable??

About zone "errors" in Russia: it is not easy to detect zone number 
from call sign. For example UA1O can be 19 or 29. There are many 
"zone borders" across call sign area (20/21, 20/30 29/30 and so 
on). So: listen to the number given. These guys normally knows 
where they are ;-)

73, de Waldek, DL7ANQ & SO6ANQ

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