[ct-user] drsi and ct
Craig Clark
Craig Clark <nx1g@top.monad.net>
Wed, 01 Nov 2000 08:06:01 -0500
Am I the only one still using a DRSI packet card for contesting?
To use the DRSI card, you have to do the following steps:
1) start tnctsr-s
2) open CT and set all the proper commands in the setup.
3) go thru the setup screen (com1 is network, com2 is rig control)
4) start ct.
5) alt-o to get the packet screen, alt-t to go to the xmit window.
6) hit escape key s1 (your see *s1)
7) ct says channel not connected.
8) hit escape c k1xx and you should send a connect cmd.
HOWEVER, I don't get the *c k1xx and tnctsr-s is treating the line as text,
not as a command. On page 6-2 of the DRSI manual, Andy references the
WA8DED commands and the fact that the commands are proceeded by the escape
can anyone shed some light on what I may be doing wrong?
Thanks and 73.
73 Craig Clark W1JCC
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