[ct-user] Suggestions
Brian McGinness
Brian McGinness <n3oc@wirelessinc.com>
Sat, 04 Nov 2000 12:33:48 +0000
that's what Bob meant. this continues to plague busy multi-multis
when somehow an alt-. is pressed flubbing around the keyboard.
we thought we had it licked his year by using computer controlled radios,
only to find out what was really happening is that ct was accidentally
being switched to radio 2, which defaults to 20m and results in a big
problem in our logs.
we lost a bunch of 15m QSOs last year at V26B because of this. it
happened again this year, but we caught it much sooner and could fix
the log. our work around was to go to all six stations, switch them
to radio 2, change radio 2 to the band that station was on, then switch
back to radio 1. that way, if the dreaded alt-. was hit by mistake,
at least they would still be logging on the correct band.
we need some way to make it harder to accidentally change it (different
keystroke) or the ability to disable it when no second radio will be
73, Brian N3OC / V26OC
At 23:31 11/3/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>At 02:25 AM 11/4/2000 +0000, Bob Naumann - N5NJ wrote:
>>I've asked for this before and don't know if it's implementation is
>>planned or not, but the ability to change to a second radio by just
>>pressing the period key has got to be disabled unless you actually
>>have two radios.
>What version? Only ALT-period (not just period) toggles the radios in 9.51
>Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>
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