[ct-user] CT-WIN

Bob Johnson Bob Johnson <rjohnson@ici.net>
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 13:17:31 -0500

Nope, but I'll punch you T.S. card for you if you would like.

I downloaded CTWIN 953 the other night and found the exact same problems as
describe.� I was going to email Ken W. off list and let him know about it, but
got sidetracked following the "Florida Debacle" !!!

So far I haven't found any other problems.

73 Bob
WA1OFR - FN42ma

At 11:34 AM 11/10/00 , you wrote:
>Does anyone else get the CW PORT ERROR message when� bringing up CT-WIN ?
>I am using the latest version from the CT registered users site.
>I have done the initial setup using the <Setup.exe> file but the "error
>message" comes up on screen when executing the <ctwin.exe> file.� Hitting
>"OK" twice in the ERROR box takes me into the program and permits me to do
>all of the entry information as to the contest etc.� But I still get the
>"error opening cw port" message every time even though I am setting up for
>a SSB contest.� Any suggestions or solution?���� W7UPF�������� 
>WWW:��������������������� <http://www.k1ea.com/>http://www.k1ea.com/
>Submissions:������������� ct-user@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:� ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
>Problems:���������������� owner-ct-user@contesting.com

WWW:                      http://www.k1ea.com/
Submissions:              ct-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ct-user@contesting.com