[ct-user] Annoyance with ALT-Z
Waldemar Krzok
Waldemar Krzok" <Waldemar@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:47:38 +0100
> The aid windows (Country Check on the top left and Partial Check on the
> right) are active and arranged. Then I bring up the Zone Window with ALT-Z
> to check if a possible zone mult should be dragged. When I close it again by
> pressing ALT-Z again, ALL THREE aid windows disappear.
> 9.51.001
> The aid windows (Country Check on the top left and Partial Check on the
> right) are active and arranged. Then I bring up the Zone Window with ALT-Z
> BOTH aid windows disappear from the background.
it is annoing, but there is a work-around. I mentioned this problem
a year or so abo, but...
I practise, after restart, some monkey-job: ALT-Z, ALT-C, [ ALT-C
again, if CC disappeared ] F8, ALT-R. You need eventually
permutate this keys.
To Ken: is it possible, to put windows status and/or position into a
kind of ini file? I think, everybody has his loving arrangement and it
is a little bit boring to set it again and again. I need mouse just to
do this job. Having an ini file could reduce mice count (now 4) on
my desktop.
Waldek, DL7ANQ & SO6ANQ
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