[ct-user] Annoyance with ALT-Z

Bob Naumann - N5NJ Bob Naumann - N5NJ" <n5nj@gte.net
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 14:07:24 -0000

This can be accomplished by creating an empty .BIN file with the
windows where you like them.  Let's call it: EMPTY.BIN

When you want to start a new contest, copy this bin file to a new


Start CT,


Set the contest parameters, and your windows will be where you like

Robert E. Naumann
N5NJ / V26O
Plano, TX  USA
ex KR2J, V26RN, W6V, WA2OVE
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Hider" <n3rr@erols.com>
To: "Jim Reisert AD1C" <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>; "Waldemar Krzok"
<Waldemar@zedat.fu-berlin.de>; "Zoli Pitman HA1AG"
<ha1ag@compuserve.com>; <ct-user@contesting.com>
Cc: "Ken Wolff" <kwolff@ultranet.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 13:57
Subject: Re: [ct-user] Annoyance with ALT-Z

> I think what Waldemr means is this:  Now, whenever a new .BIN file
> created (when you start a new contest, for example) the settings for
all of
> the windows reverts to the default and requires a mouse to set them
up as
> you desire.  If the window settings could be saved, in a .INI file
> example, then setting them up for each contest (each .BIN file)
would not be
> necessary.
> The windows settings are saved within the .BIN file so that each
time you
> run CT with THAT .BIN file, the windows do come back the way you set
> up.
> Bill, N3RR
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>
> To: Waldemar Krzok <Waldemar@zedat.fu-berlin.de>; Zoli Pitman HA1AG
> <ha1ag@compuserve.com>; <ct-user@contesting.com>
> Cc: Ken Wolff <kwolff@ultranet.com>
> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 7:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [ct-user] Annoyance with ALT-Z
> >
> > At 09:47 AM 11/30/2000 +0100, Waldemar Krzok wrote:
> >
> > >To Ken: is it possible, to put windows status and/or position
into a
> > >kind of ini file? I think, everybody has his loving arrangement
and it
> > >is a little bit boring to set it again and again. I need mouse
just to
> > >do this job. Having an ini file could reduce mice count (now 4)
> > >my desktop.
> >
> > They already are.  However as you have seen, some windows restart
> > and some do not.  Some toggle on and off independently and some
> > other windows.
> >
> --
> WWW:                      http://www.k1ea.com/
> Submissions:              ct-user@contesting.com
> Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems:                 owner-ct-user@contesting.com

WWW:                      http://www.k1ea.com/
Submissions:              ct-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ct-user@contesting.com