[ct-user] CT 9.50 Problem with TIME !!!!

ptaber@flash.net ptaber@flash.net
Sat, 21 Oct 2000 11:51:39 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat Oct 21 06:52:01 2000, "Oliver Huber" <oe5oho@hotmail.com> wrote:

> i set date and time under DOS, then start the RUNcomputer. when i do
> so CT immediately shows something like 6 or 7h ahead(!) of the DOS
> time i just set under DOS!!! (e.g. DOS=12h and CT=18h)

Could you have a an environment vaiable named "TZ" defined on your PC? 
Type "SET" at the DOS prompt and have a look. CT uses that (now) to adjust from 
local time on the PC back to UTC. This frees you from the requirement of 
running your local clock as UTC.

>>>==>PStJTT (NM5A)

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