[ct-user] ?CT & IC706IIG part 2?

Tony Tony <ad6id@arrl.net>
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 18:58:45 -0700

Hello again,

I found part of my answer on
http://www.k1ea.com/radio.htm  So, my 706IIG is now set at the address for a IC735 (04H), and the error from CT963 is _still_ "radio not echoing".

Here's the ct.bat file I'm using:

font SS
comtsr1 -P1 -B4800 -N81
ct -d %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
comtsr1 -u
font O

I find nothing in the Icom manual for parity/startstop bits so I have them set for no parity, 4800 baud, 1 stop bit. I also tried 2 stop bits.

Also to note, the radio and comm link work fine with TRX-Manager 3 when the rig is set at it's default address of 58H. I can send commands and also track changes on the rig.

Does anyone have a mixture that is known to work?

Thanks,  Tony

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