[ct-user] Running CT-9.67 under Windows

John Allen jallen@vhfcom.com
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 12:24:36 -0500

A couple more notes on multiple OS's, from a Windows 2000 (NT 5) point of
view -

If you have Win95/98 or DOS on a system and you start the 2000 CDROM, it
will automatically set up a dual boot if you want or it will install over
the old Win 98 OS (not DOS)  and copy the old Win 98 registry into it's Win
2K registry.

So, if you install the older OS first, Win 2000 takes care of the dual boot.

If you want to overinstall from 95 to 2000 you should upgrade to 98 first or
use the dual  boot feature)  caveat emptor.

Don't ask me about Win ME or XP -- I won't be getting near either of them if
I can help it.
But, given that XP is sort of NT 5.5 ish, It is likely that the dual
boot/upgrade features work like Win 2K.

NOTE:  All Win2K upgrade notes above assume that your file system is FAT32.

Hope this helps some folk.

PS: I think that there are ways other than buying Partition Magic to add a
DOS boot to a Win 2K or XP system.  A web search might turn something up.

John K1AE
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ct-user-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:ct-user-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jim Reisert
> Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 11:16 AM
> To: RCARIELLO; CT-User Reflecter
> Subject: Re: [ct-user] Running CT-9.67 under Windows
> Some have had success, some have not.  I hope you are running
> Windows 95/98.
> If so, just shut down Windows to a DOS prompt (Start ->
> Shutdown), then you can
> run CT.  If you go to the Hints & Kinks section of the K1EA web
> site, you will
> find some links to create a "boot menu" if you will which will
> allow you to
> boot up and get to a DOS prompt without having to use F8 or go
> all the way into
> Windows then back out.
> We do NOT recommend running CT in a DOS window on top of Windows.
>  It works for
> some but not for others.  Ken has compiled a character-mode (not
> GUI) version
> of CT (9.63) that should run better in a Windows environment
> (i.e. DOS window
> while Windows is running) than the DOS version.  Some have had
> success with
> this environment, some have not.  It's not as robust at the DOS version.
> If you are running one of the Windows NT flavors (Win NT 4.0, Win
> 2000 or Win
> XP), you're best off creating a separate bootable DOS partition
> on your hard
> drive that you can boot to run CT.  Partition Magic

) makes this very easy.

Why trust your hard-earned contest QSOs to something as complicated as
CT has logged hundreds of thousands of QSOs running under plain DOS.  Most
the problems that occur are user-oriented, not operating system oriented.
Windows throws a huge complicating factor into the mix.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.com

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