[ct-user] Super Partial Check Question
Dominiak, Michael
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 16:12:59 -0500
During SS I noticed a few times using the super partial check function
(Shift-F8)in CT 9.67 that a partial callsign entry with two character
combinations would not list a call which contained those two characters. It
happened often enough that after the contest I tested a few callsign
combinations and found the following:
For example testing the callsign VY1VY, entry of VY, 1V, VY1, Y1V, 1VY,
VY1V, Y1VY, and VY1VY all showed VY1VY in the super partial check box, but
when the combination Y1 was entered it did not show VY1VY in the box.
For the callsign KF6RIP, all combinations entered which I tried showed
KF6RIP in the check box, but when the combination IP was entered KF6RIP was
not shown in the check box.
Am I doing something wrong in setting up or using super partial check, or is
this a CT problem?
- Mike, W2KA