[ct-user] CTWIN WinXP Questions
Ken Wolff
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 11:05:11 -0500
The three big things not yet implemented in CTWin are mouse control, DVP
control and serial port keying.
These are largely the reason I keep calling CtWin "beta." Nobody likes
to go to the latest and greatest just to lose features.
I don't really have a schedule to add those things, although I might
suggest setting up your window positions running CT for DOS, then using
the .BIN file under CtWin.
The DVP represents a significant piece of work, as I have to write a
real Windows driver that runs as a kernel program. The serial port
keying probably isn't too much work, but I haven't looked into it yet.
73, Ken
-----Original Message-----
From: ct-user-admin@contesting.com [mailto:ct-user-admin@contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Stephen J. Schrack
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 1:50 PM
To: CT-User Reflector
Subject: [ct-user] CTWIN WinXP Questions
I have CTWIN 9.82 running on Windows XP PRO and for the most part it
seems to function correctly. However, there are some things I cannot
seem to resolve. First of all I cannot seem to use the mouse within
CTWIN v9.82. I cannot reposition windows or use the mouse at all in the
program. Is this a known issue in CTWIN or is there something I need to
do? Also, I have been trying to setup CTWIN Full screen by adjusting
the properties of the shortcut/program and it will go full screen,
however, CTWIN does not take up the full screen it remains in the upper
half of the screen even though the window has been made to display full
screen. Finally CTWIN still does not seem to be able to use a serial
port for keying CW in WinXP PRO, is this something that can be setup or
do you have to use the LPT for now?
I would really like to be able to use CTWIN full screen and reposition
windows in CT to optimize operating during a contest like in the DOS
version. Any help or information would be appreciated and thank you in
73 de N3MX Steve.
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