[ct-user] CT-networking problems
Dallas Carter
Wed, 6 Feb 2002 12:49:54 -0500
I have seen this before. It can happen for a number of reasons.
First, be sure that both ends of your coaxial network are terminated
with 50 ohm terminators. Second, make sure that the only TSR's
that you have loaded are NETTSR and any com port you are using
for another device, such as com2 for your radio. In the com setup
screen (CT) be sure that only com4 is set up for the network and
com2 for your radio (or whatever com ports you might be using.
The key is to make sure that you only allocate TSR's and com ports
that are active.
Another note. Once the network card is locked up, or gone to sleep
on send or receive, it must be unloaded and reloaded. The only way to
unload the network card is to power the computer down. Control/alt/delete
does not unload it either. Only powering the computer off and restarting
will accomplish this.
Hope these hints will help.
73 Dallas W3PP
----- Original Message -----
From: Winter Andreas <Andreas.Winter@mchm.siemens.de>
To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Cc: 'Olaf Taesch' <olaf@taesch.de>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: [ct-user] CT-networking problems
> Hello,
> we have a problem with our ct-network. We setup 3 computers with CT9.xx
> nettsr (K1TTT). They are all connected via ethernet lan (10 BASE 2 /
> After booting the pc, communication between them is ok. After a while (5
> 15 minutes) one computer (always the same) don't receive any QSO, message,
> ....
> But send QSO's, message, ... from this pc are received by both other pc.
> the communication is only one way.
> We exchanged this pc by fourth computer, exchanged the network card
> changed the interrupt, ... -> same problem!
> After a certain time, the communication is only one-way.
> Does somebody experienced the same? Any idea, what could be the reason?
> 73
> Andy, DK4WA
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