[ct-user] Never enough com ports
David Robbins
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 12:26:15 -0000
There is not enough information in you message to provide an answer.
First, figure out what you really have and what it is really using. You
have not said what you want to do with more com ports, how many you
already have, what software you want to use them with, what operating
system you are using, and what version of ct (win or dos) you use. If
you have a network (Ethernet) card that is not a com port. Also do you
have a machine with usb ports?
David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ct-user-admin@contesting.com
> On Behalf Of Russ Connors
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 11:48
> To: ct-user@contesting.com
> Subject: [ct-user] Never enough com ports
> Need some advice, please.
> I have com ports tied up with: (1) Radio control; (2) TNC (expendable
> for non RTTY tests);and (3) HotSynch manager grabs COM 4 and
> owns unless I go in and physically say disable.
> Not I want to add WinFax Pro which will want a COM port (I presume). I
> already lost the ability to use my modem because of no COM port
> available.
> Do I have enough COM ports to do what I want and just need to
> reconfigure them? Forgot to mention I'm using ADSL so I have a network
> card for that which I presume uses a COM port.
> COMport challenged,
> Russ
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