N7MAL n7mal@citlink.net
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 05:09:48 -0000

I just finished responding to 22 private e-mails regarding one-radio and
colorsave. I found many guys had questions, some of which should have been
public but they may have been intimidated by the moronic public responses by
Don & K4OJ. I won't even try to address Don but Jim I've been a staunch
supporter of K1EA and CT very publicly on this reflector on many occasions.
I've been a registered user since the mid 80's and have never even
considered using another product. The CT web page link has been part of my
overall web pages for 7 years and I up-dated it for the express purpose of
the one-radio discussion.
Now for important stuff there appears to be no work around for the colorsave
issue. There is a work around for the one-radio so rather than spend 10
minutes setting check partial colors and then moving boxes around the
simplest solution is to revert back to ver 9.65, the last version not to
have one-radio. The most asked question was "What is one-radio?" It is used
by less than 1% of the contesting community for the recent new class
Single-op 2 Radio. It is covered in the release notes which are usually in
every upgrade zip file. It is a very important logging requirement for SO2R
but I wish it could be disabled for the 99% of us that don't use it.
As to the suggestion of using the default colors, Ken gave us the option a
long time ago to set our own color scheme. It is a great feature just like
the ability to move boxes around and customize CT for our own personal
tastes. It's as important as networking, cw keying, and radio control.
That's why CT has always been the leader in contesting software and will
continue to be.

MAL               N7MAL