[ct-user] Wish LIST

Sante - IK0HBN ik0hbn@libero.it
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 00:50:32 +0200

Hi Brian,
my needs are only dictated from the matter of wishing and seeing in the 
BROWSE window of main logging program the list of my qso's exactly as I 
worked them as after I copy on paper logs. No matter for me if time entered 
is the beginning or the ending of such a qso.
If my wish should upset all the users of CT, please consider my request 
less than nothing!

As C2A.EXE is a short program, may be another version with this little 
change could be release. Otherwise, I'll continue adding seconds to have 
qso' listed in the correct order.
Of course seconds, till now, are a pure fictions: eg.: If I did in that 
minute 4 qso, at the first I put 05, at second 20, at third 40 so to make 
LOGIC showing them as I did them.
Thank you for your answer.
PS. by the way it's also true that field should be longer of 2 integers, 
but it's also true that the program in which you should import them could 
decide if takes account of that..:-))

At 11.08 10/07/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>I must be missing something.
>Why is this so important?   Please explain.
>Contest checking software and the upcoming logbook of the world has a
>wide time window for cross checks.
>Is it really so important that you can confirm that you made 5
>contacts in one minute?
>Why burden the rest of us with the added field size in the ADIF file?
>If you are making so many contacts surely you are using a computer.
>Finding any particular contact in the log should be easy -- regardless
>of whether seconds are present or not.
>Why is the exact order of the QSO's so important?
>What time should be entered? Should it be the beginning of the QSO,
>end or QSO or what?  What time is entered by the other stations
>What about merged logs from multi's which probably have QSO's occuring
>at the same second.  What is the correct order for those QSO's?  Do we
>need seconds and decimal seconds too?  Keep in mind all computer
>clocks in a multi computer station end up with different wrong times
>as the contest proceeds.
>In the old days of paper logs, I remember seeing logs of many
>super-ops that entered time only every 10 or so QSO's!
>73 de Brian/K3KO
>Sante - IK0HBN wrote:
> >
> > I'd like having the ADIF file with time in a format with also the seconds.
> > During contests, especially those on CW it's quite easy to do 3 or 4 qso's
> > each minute. So having also the seconds would be more sure importing the
> > ADIF file into the MAIN logging programs without the need of manually
> > sorting them looking at  serial number I sent.
> > All this is valid for Writelog and CT. Any hope to have a mod in short
> > time, so to add flawlessly the upcoming WRTC into LOGIC?
> >
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