[ct-user] Icom 706 CW interface
Jiri Sanda
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 18:32:26 +0200 (Central Europe Daylight Time)
Hi Bob,
During our 2001 T32RD DXpedition, we have had the same problem. It is
caused only by absolutely missing RF filtration in 706 (in our case MKIIG
but I am sure it is the same with other models) - there is simply
no space. We used about 1" ferrite toroid and two 10k ceramic capacitors
and it solved the problem runnig 2kW out. (The jam started at about 25W out from
the 706.)
73 !
Jiri - OK1RI
On Sun, 23 Jun 2002, Bob cutter wrote:
> I have built and used the LPT interface in the manual
> for several years however I cannot seem to use it with
> the 706. It locks the transmitter on when keyed. I
> have used the interface with good results on Yaesu and
> homebrew equipment.
> Because of computer limitations I need to use the LPT
> port for CW. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> 73, Bob KI0G
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