[ct-user] alt-F5 / alt-F4 ICOM 775 DSP dont work properlly ?
EA3KU" <ea3ku@arrl.net
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 18:52:29 +0200
I was for several year using a IC 765 using alt-F5 / alt-F4 with very =
success in our operations on multi-single from EA6IB.
But the alt-F4/alt-F5 dont work properlly on the IC775 . I describe the =
procedure as I use this feature :
1.- When I am on a running frequency I push alt-F5 to steal the QRG.
2.- When I look in the CLUSTER window or in BANDMAP window a multiplier =
or a needed station ... I point and shut to the desired station and the =
rig move the QRG to desired station , but if I try to return to my =
running QRG with the alt-F4 the rig dont go back to running QRG. =
Normallly its go back to 14000 or some time to and unpredictable QRG.
The only acceptable way to work that I found is to activate the =
dualwatch ... then when I type alt-F4 on the firsts millisecons on the =
QRG on main VFO appear 14000 and on the second VFO appear the running =
frequency ( previoslly picked with the alt-F5 ) and some milliseconds =
latter the frequencies from both VFO's change automatically ... but it =
forces me to work's with the dualwatch.
May be some one can help me .=20
thank you very much in advance.
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