[ct-user] Ct and CQWW question / help

Arie Kleingeld en Marian van Boheemen kkk.bbb@12move.nl
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 09:46:41 +0200

Best way is to keep the country window open.
If you hit the spacebar it will show the zone.
Enter ītranfersī the zone to the log.

Arie, PA3AAM

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Brannigan <jbrannig@optonline.net>
To: David L Sharred <G3NKC@thersgb.net>; Ct-User@Contesting.Com
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ct-user] Ct and CQWW question / help

> Yes, that is how it worked.  There is a table of prefixes and zones.  Do
> have it loaded in the same directory?
> Jim
> > BlankI recall that, in the past, when working in CQWW mode, that when
> > enetered a call (ie G3NKC)   that CT would automatically load the zone
> > zone 14) in the call out window, and it was generally up to the user to
> > change this
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