[ct-user] Worked all Germany Contest.

Werner Maier werner@maiers.de
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 22:52:06 +0200


> should work. You should be able to enter letters as serial numbers.
> Calculation must be done externally. I do it manually via Excel.

You may use LM (Log Manager), http://www.dl8waa.de/

- it can read CT 8 and 9  .BIN files directly
- it can export ADIF
- it can export cabrillo

sorry, documentation only available in German, but maybe
babelfish does help:
goto http://babelfish.altavista.com
and enter http://www.dl8waa.de/lm/lm.htm into "translate web page",
of course You should select "Translate from German to english" :-)

have fun.

73s de Werner DL4NER.
Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Werner Maier