[ct-user] version scoring differences.

Alan C. Zack k6acz@earthlink.net
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 16:48:41 -0800

I don't understand.  If you used the CTY-1204 zip file Jim, AD1C,
provided why wouldn't any version of CT log any call the same?

alsopb wrote:
> I did some detective work on this.  I was able to bring version 9.8
> and 9.51 into agreement.
> The problem was with the handling of VY2MGY/3.  After putting in
> vy2mgy/3=ve3 into V9.8 (something I did in 9.5), the scoring was
> corrected to that of version 9.51.
> However, adding this line to version 9.6 did not correct version 9.6.
> For some reason, CT version 9.6 decided that this station was in zone
> 1 -- even though the bin file and other versions showed it was in zone
> 4 (what I manually entered during the contest).  Don't ask me how it
> determined zone 1. I had no other zone 1 on 80 meters thus it appeared
> as an additional mult.
> 73 de Brian/K3KO
> alsopb wrote:
> >
> > Guys,
> >
> > Ran identical bin and cty files in three versions of CT.  The scores
> > are all different.
> >
> > CT 9.80.006   999,362
> > CT 9.6.012  1,002,375
> > CT 9.51.001 1,000,350
> >
> > I haven't a clue which is right.
> >
> > Yes, I know the sponsors are going to score the results.  However, it
> > does matter a bit for the PVRC internal awards which use claimed
> > scores.
> >
> > 73 de Brian/K3KO

                                Alan Zack
		         Amateur Radio Station K6ACZ
                      Anaheim, Southern California, USA
                   Home of the World Series Winners ANGELS
                Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
         Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
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