[ct-user] Free Full version of CT
Jir(í Šanda
jirka at jimaz.cz
Sun Apr 6 19:36:33 EDT 2003
Hi everyone,
THANK Ken for all your efort both past and future !
All the others - read at N1MM's or on JE3HHT's pages why their super SW
is freeware !
Try to sum up how much Ken collected and how much he collected let's say
in last two years and try to count how much it was $/hour !
I think again nothing more than THANK you to K1EA, N1MM, JE3HHT and
others can be said.
Specially if there are people or better to say crooks like K6STI, who
reply OK you want to buy my SW, you want to give me your money - FUCK
OFF you are European and I do not sell SW to Europeans ?!?!
73 !
Carl - WC4H wrote:
>Bugs... people are complaining 'cause it's free! Hams are amazing: we go to
>a hamfest and try to haggle stuff down to nothing; now somebody is giving
>something good for free and presto... complain. Guess, the folks that don't
>want it to be free are also writing to N1MM suggesting he charge for that
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Gus Samuelson" <gussam at newcomm.net>
>To: <ct-user at contesting.com>
>Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 7:19 AM
>Subject: [ct-user] Free Full version of CT
>>Cheeeeeeese :
>>Even when it's free people complain about bugs ,
>>personally I would have been delighted to continue to pay for a
>>new version 10
>>but then of course there are so many pirated versions out there
>> now
>>it must be virtually impossible to make producing this software
>>commercially viable anymore.
>>BTW the numbers worked fine for me but mebbe you're referring
>>to Multi-multi or MS operation.
>>Any way as the author of one of the first ( the First Significant
>>one ) fully
>> fledged Contest Program the contesting community owes K1EA a debt
>>of gratitude,
>>not for making it free but for developing it in the first place.
>>73 Gus VO1MP
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