[ct-user] Paddle swap

John A. Scott k8yc at adelphia.net
Mon Jun 23 09:34:43 EDT 2003

How about the "old screwdriver trick" for a short term fix?  As Yoda in 
Star Wars would say,   "Rocket science it is not!"

 --John Scott,  K8YC

Jim White, K4OJ wrote:

> I have a buddy who learned CW backwards - his Elmer taught him wrong 
> so his thumb is sending the dashes... When my friend used to visit he 
> would turn the key around backward and place his hand over the top of 
> it to send... weird... TOO WEIRD, so...
> Now when he comes over to operate I have built a small box which has a 
> double pole switch in it and a "stereo" socket for paddle and a jumper 
> with plug coming out of it...
> When you through the switch it will reverse the dits and dahs... handy 
> to have around the shack for when someone who sends with the other 
> hand visits, as well!
> Built mine up new in a black plastic box to match the Yaesu gear - 
> about 5 dollars worth of components NEW from Radio Shack - could have 
> built one from junque box for free... it is simple stuff - even I 
> could figure out how to wire it and that is saying something!
> 73,
> Jim, K4OJ
> Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
>> At 06:15 PM 6/22/2003, Martin Kratoska OK1RR wrote:
>>> The manual says that the paddle support is compatible with TR/NA. 
>>> Actually,
>>> the dot and dash sides are reversed. I'm unable to find a command to 
>>> swap
>>> paddles. Any ideas?
>> There is currently no such command.
>> 73 - Jim AD1C
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