[ct-user] "writelog" command freezes CTWin

Ken Wolff ken at k1ea.com
Mon Dec 13 07:51:00 EST 2004

John Bednar wrote:

>Is this still a problem with version 10.2? 
>If you install version 10.2 and have the missing *.dll problem,
>install version 10.1 and select Repair during install. I believe it
>correctly adds the missing file and leaves 10.2 intact.
>k3ct at fast.net
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ct-user-bounces at contesting.com
>[mailto:ct-user-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dennis McAlpine
>Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 11:00 PM
>To: ct-user at contesting.com
>Subject: [ct-user] "writelog" command freezes CTWin
>In CQ WW and ARRL SS CW, I used CTWin V.10/01.010 for logging.
>the contest I put "writelog" in the call sign blank, pushed "enter"
>the various logs parts were prepared.  In both the ARRL 10 meter and
>ARRL 160 meter contests I also used the same program but when I put
>"writelog" at the end and pushed "enter", the program froze.  I
>a message from CT,WIN.EXE that the program has encountered a problem
>must close down and asked if I wanted tos end a message to
>At that point, the program was frozen.  To get out, I had to hit
>ControlAlternateDelete.  It then went to the Windows Task Manger.  I
>End Task and got the message "Windows cannot end this program".  I
>End Now and End Task again and managed to close the program.  
>I repeated this process several times and had the same results each
>time. I did enter a number of individual commands, e.g. "Writedup",
>"writesum", etc and the program had no problem executing these
>Same for AltX and AltQ.
>I was using the program on Windows XP with SP2 on a Orion.  I was
>connected to Telnet and had the Orion frequency on the program.
>Any ideas what is going on and how to fix it?  Thanks
>Dennis McAlpine, K2SX
>Managing Director
>McAlpine Associates LLC
>12 Ridgecrest East
>Scarsdale, NY  10583
>(914)-522-2751  Cell phone
>dennis.mcalpine at verizon.net 
>CT-User mailing list
>CT-User at contesting.com
>CT on the web:  http://www.k1ea.com/
>CT-User mailing list
>CT-User at contesting.com
>CT on the web:  http://www.k1ea.com/
I fixed this for the ARRL 160  contest, and missed the saame problem 
with ARRL 10.

This is fixed now, I just put the new version up on 

73, Ken

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