[ct-user] Time in CT 10.008 problem

Ed Parish K1EP k1ep at arrl.net
Tue Jul 13 06:59:39 EDT 2004

My experience has been that SETTIME really doesn't work, there is always some time offset in hours.   I am not sure whether this is due to using the environment variable TZ to offset UTC from local time or not.  My "first rule" is to quit CT, set the time and date and then start CT again.  As far as fixing your problem, probably converting to the .RES format and editing the log in text and then back to binary would be the best course of action.

At 7/13/2004 06:16 AM, n6ki at juno.com wrote:

>I normally do a SETTIME and SETDATE in call field when first 
>launching CT program before a contest starts.
>In getting set up for IARU this past weekend, 
>I noticed that I had to enter some oddball time in the TIME window
>to get the program to get the correct UTC time to indicate.
>Then, sometime during contest, CT Ver 10.08 crashed when entering a callsign
>I had a batch file set up which the Operator on duty typed and 
>away we went, back into the program.....except he didn't notice
>that the TIME reset itself to the WRONG time!
>The on duty Op never caught it and at 45 minutes before contest ended
>I just happened to catch it...too late,many QSOs logged at wrong time and it was some odd ball ammount, not an even hour!!!
>Never had this problem happen with any previous version of CT
>Anyone get nailed with this one?
>I'l be pinging on some of you guys that worked us to try to 
>ressurect the log.....&@$%$^%%^%$$%#$#@Y&*( !!!!
>Violated my first rule I teach all newbie contestors
>I train at N6KI...NEVER NEVER run a new version specifically fixed
>for a particular contest..ugghhhh
>73, Dennis N6KI
>Anyone else 
>Anyone else experience
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