[ct-user] Florida QSO Party

Bob Walker bowalk at comcast.net
Thu Apr 28 18:35:06 EDT 2005

I had a problem uploading my CT generated Florida QSOP Cab. file to Logbook
of the World.
1.  The contest title was not recognized.  The file was not accepted as
readable.  The contest format templates are apparently loaded into a
checking robot.  If the robot does not recognize the contest, it will not
know how to read the file.  The work around was to change the line to:
"Contest:  ARRL-10".
2.  Once I labeled the file as the ARRL 10 Meter contest, it looked for an
expected format and generated a read error on each QSO.  The generated
format is:
QSO: 14256 PH 2005-04-23 1607 W4MOT         59         W3EEK         59  PA
I was missing exchange information.
QSO: 14256 PH 2005-04-23 1607 W4MOT         59    FL      W3EEK         59
A global replace added the required "FL" and the file was accepted.
Since I immediately got confirmed QSLs, others managed to upload to LotW
before me.
Hope can be fixed.

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