Hank Kohl K8DD k8dd at arrl.net
Wed Aug 24 10:12:07 EDT 2005

KE5CTY Bob wrote:

>Three questions:
>1) I am only used to using Win32 GUI and am getting
>familiar with how to do the menus ect. Is there available
>one of those "KEYBOARD CHEAT SHEETS" we used to use years
>ago that I can print out and attach to my keyboard until I
>memorize the control keys?
W7NN sells them ..... http://www.hamstuff.com/Overlays/overlay.htm
But they may not be totally up to date.  Better to use the help file and
make one.

>2) I own an Icom 728 (address=38) and am using the CT-17
>controller. The issue I am running into is I don't see the
>728 in the setup list. Did I not download everything or do
>I somehow have to make one?
Can you change the address in the IC-728? 
If you can, change it to IC 725 or IC 735 and select the proper radio.
The address's are located at  http://www.k1ea.com/hints/radio.htm
I'd suspect one of them may work.

>3) Is there a PDF manual available for CT-WIN I can
>download and study?
Look at www.k1ea.com/download
For a kinda more updated manual http://www.qsl.net/k8dd/ctman/
I started to copy updated screen shots into the old manual, but lost
interest a couple years ago.  But either one coupled with the  CT
Manual update http://www.k1ea.com/CT_additions.htm would be

73    Hank    K8DD

'Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.'    -anon

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