[ct-user] New Super Check Partial Files Available VER20050517 (17 May 05)

Randy Thompson, K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Mon May 16 20:58:08 EDT 2005

There is a new release of the Super Check Partial database files available at

This set of files was based on 2,620,961 QSOs from 1,821 logs (data set contains
111,005    unique calls).  The master.dta file now has a record high 38,694

You can download the files individually or in a complete package as a zip file.

There is also a link to the list of contributed logs - thanks to all those who
volunteered their logs for the project. If you are using the SCP files, you
really should be contributing yours as well!  It's as easy as sending your
Cabrillo files to k5zd at contesting.com.

Check out the release history.  It lists the statistics for each release and
provides a great example of how the increasing number of logs is helping to
improve the database.

The next release will be in early July in advance of the IARU HF contest. Please
continue to send me your logs immediately after each contest.

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
E-mail k5zd at contesting.com
Web: http://www.k5zd.com

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