[ct-user] Still can not get CT logging window for CTWIN to display properly

Patrick 9A5CW pat.9a5cw at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 05:06:44 EDT 2006

Hello there,
Dennis said that his CTwin looks like this :


And -reset command on the shortcut:


doesnt help!
I dont know why -reset dont helps!

73 de Patrick 9A5CW

On 4/20/06, N6KI Dennis <n6ki at juno.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>   Thanks to those hams who already sent me suggestions to try to resolve
> the incorrect display when I launch CTWIN on an XP machine.
> Here is a copy of the responses I sent back of what I tried and I
> really don't have much more time to spend on fixing this problem for my
> amigo here in Mexico, before I head back stateside.
> I will make one more attempt to get his display screen fixed on Thursday
> afternoon, and then will have to leave it for next visit or until he maybe
> gets anothr video card or newer machine. The machine it is on was running
> WIN98 and then he had someone load XP on it which I warned him would not let
> his DOS version of CT run anymore and then to add insult to injury, I can't
> get CTWIN to run on it with correct screen
> The [progra fill sthe entire window but the info fields only fill the
> upper half of the screen ! The bottom half is just black or whatever color
> one selects in Properties...at least that feature works but in the wrong
> protion of the window
> Anyway here's a copy of my response to other suggestions so you wil know
> whatI have trried already.
> 73, Dennis XE2/N6KI
> Hi Mal,
> Well no dice on the fix foer CTWIN with teh logging page schrunched up
> into the top half of the full CT window. The only thing I could change was
> the color of the bottom half of the window which of course containe no
> logging info...here is copy of my response to another fellow on what I
> tried. I think per the CT website it is an incompatibility problem with his
> video card and I don't have much knowledge or patirnce to work on computer
> problem like this all day long, especially when I come to Mexico to RELAX !
> Hi Gunter,
>   Well today I arrived at the QTH of my amigo Pepe XE2MX in Ensenada
> and tried your suggestion of adding -vga when going into program
> ie: testcw -vga and yes it opens a large window but the log program page
> still only fill sthe top half of that window
> I also tried other peoples suggestions of also trying -reset when you log
> in and also either right clicking the mouse on the shortcut Icon  on my
> desktop and selecting properties and changed the Height and Width sizes and
> nothing changes! I also launched the program and when in the logging window
> I right clicked on upper part of page and again selected properties and
> tried changing Height and width ( also FULL SCREEN )and all kinds of
> settings but to no avail. One of the responses directed me to the K1EA
> website where I read that depending on the Video card and chip sets, one
> might hve to really play games to get the display to work. At that point I
> gave up as I do not work in the computer field and only someone that eats
> bits and bytes for breakfast was going to solve this video display problem.
> I wil CC this respons eto the reflector but unless it's some simple fix, I
> am not goping to spin my wheels anymore on CTWIN for Pepe's computer.
> Best we just wait til he upgrades to another newer computer and see if we
> get lucky on getting CTWIN to display properly.
> 73, Dennis N6KI
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9A5CW - Patrik Hrvatin
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