[ct-user] V9 questions

Robert A. Wilson n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Apr 17 19:46:22 EDT 2007

On 4/17/07, Don McDougall <don_w6oa at msn.com> wrote:
> Version 8.92.001
> Why is CA missing in the CQP in California States and Provinces Map?

I'm not exactly sure what you are saying, but I seem to recall a bug bug in
CT:  for California stations, there's a blank in the multiplier window where
CA should be listed.  No big deal; CA is still counted as a mult.

CQP bands go from 160 to 2 meters less WARC. Why can't I toggle through 2
> meters with Alt F1/F2?

Probably a bug.   Try entering "144000" in the callsign field to switch CT
to 2m.

Is there an updated CQP county abbreviations file for CT?

Yes, these were last updated 9/23/2006 to accept the new standard
abberviations, as well as the old ones.  See
http://www.k1ea.com/dat/index.htm.  Download both CQP.DAT and CQP1.DAT.

If you operating from Calif., use CQP.DAT as-is.

If you are operating outside Calif., rename CQP.DAT to CQP.SAV then copy
CQP1.DAT to CQP.DAT, then launch CT:


Bob, N6TV
2007 California QSO Party County Coordinator

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