[ct-user] (no subject)

Stuart Santelmann KC1F kc1f at comcast.net
Thu Aug 9 20:24:34 EDT 2007

>I have to agree with 9A5CW.  As a loyal CT user for at least 20 years, I
> finally moved to Win-Test earlier this year, and I bet K1EA himself will
> eventually do the same.
> Unfortunately, Win-Test alone won't solve NT3G's keying problem.

Hi Bob and the group:

Win-Test looks nice but I like CT's price better !  I've been a devoted user 
of CT-DOS since 1990, but now am tiring of waiting for my ancient W98SE 
computer to boot up into DOS now.  I have CT-Win running for the WAE this 
weekend, and can use Alt-enter to get "full screen", but it's only the top 
half of the screen ?!  How do I get real full screen ?

Thanks to Ken - my friend, host op, and fellow competitor for 35 years...

Stu        KC1F

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