[ct-user] CW USE WITH TS-2000

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Sun Mar 11 09:34:51 EST 2007

John Bednar wrote:

>I agree with Ed. 
Ed had written:

>The CW interface has absolutely nothing to do with the radio, unless
>you are using some old tube radio with 100V on the keying line.

Boy, am *I* confused!

Hank has a TS-2000 -- one of the newest rigs around.  What's all the 
discussion about 100 volts and old rigs?

He's using the standard one-transistor keying circuit that is driven by 
a pin on the LPT port of his PC.  It has keyed his TS-930 in the past 
and he doesn't understand why it doesn't key his TS-2000.

Hank, we need more information:

When do you start getting the key down tone?
Is it when you physically plug the LPT keying line into the rig?
Or do you get a tone only when you start up CT?  If so, are you using CT 
for DOS or CT-Win?

I've keyed many different Kenwood rigs over the years with my serial and 
parallel port keying circuits, from both CT-DOS and CT-Win, and I've had 
my own share of key-down tones, but I've never had access to a TS-2000 
so I don't know exactly what options you have for key line choices, menu 
settings, etc.

You can always go back to square zero and disconnect your LPT keying 
cable from your rig.  Use your ohmmeter on a resistance range to see if 
the output of your LPT keying circuit is actually sending code when you 
send something from CT.

If that's OK, then I'd try to feed the LPT keying cable output into the 
very same TS-2000 key jack you use for an external straight key or bug.  
(This may or may not be the same jack that is used for the Kenwood's 
internal electronic keyer.  If the Kenwood uses the same exact jack for 
a paddle for the internal el-keyer as it does for an external straight 
key, bug, or electronic keyer output, then you will need to change some 
menu settings in the Kenwood whenever you change how you're using that 

In any event, you need to break the problem down into smaller parts at 
this point.

Let us know the answers to the questions above.

Bud, W2RU

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