[ct-user] FW: Merging CT10 .bin files

John Bednar k3ct at verizon.net
Sat Mar 17 17:59:17 EST 2007


There is a CT10 merge program for DOS and a CT10 merge program for
WinXp cmd window. Sounds like you are running the wrong merge

Make sure you have a safe copy of both original logs.

I would open each log with CT to make sure the logs are fine and
they were generated with the same version of CT.

k3ct at verizon.net

-----Original Message-----
From: ct-user-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:ct-user-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Ed K1EP
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:49 PM
To: Andrew Bodony; ct-user at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [ct-user] Merging CT10 .bin files

I assume you made copies?  

The merge programs are different for CT9 and CT10, because of the
different file structures.  If you type MERGE with no arguments, it
will tell you which version you have.

If you want to send me the two bin files, I can try merging them.

At 3/17/2007 05:10 PM, Andrew Bodony wrote:
>I have recently returned from Aruba where I operated the ARRL DX
>contest with the call of P40LE., using CT 10 WIn on my friends
>The computer had a crash  and I had restarted with a new file. Upon

>leaving I saved both .bin files on a floppy.
> Returning home, I tried to merge these two using the mrg.exe
>downloaded from CT Tools on the K1EA website. It simply will not
>Then, I tried to convert these to the DOS version using the 10to9 
>program, copied to my CT9 folder, and tried the old merge program
-still NG.
>Now I notice I can't even open either if those contest files using
CT 10.03.
>What an I doing wrong?
>Tnx in advance
>Andy K2LE
>CT-User mailing list
>CT-User at contesting.com
>CT on the web:  http://www.k1ea.com/

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