[ct-user] Question from CO8LY about CQ WW SSB

kd4d at comcast.net kd4d at comcast.net
Tue Oct 30 14:31:49 EST 2007

CT uses a file called "cty.dat" to determine country information from callsigns.
The new file is available from http://www.country-files.com/cty/.  This file
needs to be in the same directory as the database ".bin" file.

Do you have the current cty.dat file and does it contain the following line?

Montenegro:               15:  28:  EU:   42.50:   -19.30:    -1.0:  4O:

Let us know if this fixes the problem.


Mark, KD4D

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Eduardo Somoano" <co8ly at frcscu.ciges.inf.cu>
> Dear friends...
> I work the 4O3A in the CQ WW SSB 2007 but the CT soffwear version 9.73.001
> not
> it accepts the 4O3 as new country (Montenegro) and it puts it as Yugoslavia.
> That I should make to include the new country in my log.
> I wait answers.
> Thank you in advance.... 73.-
> Eduardo. CO8LY
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