[ct-user] FD Contest Logging

Charlie Wooten NF4A nf4a at knology.net
Sun Jun 29 22:53:12 EDT 2008

FD doesn't require Cabrillo.....all you have to submit is the summary sheet,
proof of bonus points claimed and a dupe sheet showing all stn
wrkd.....please correct me if I am wrong


-----Original Message-----
From: ct-user-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:ct-user-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Bill Free
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 02:08
To: ct-user at contesting.com
Subject: [ct-user] FD Contest Logging

Did I miss one update message?  I can't seem to make my Windows version 
of CT read my FD operating category for starters. Then I can't seem to 
locate where to go to convert to a Cabrillo file.  Any help will be 

de Red N3TG
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